Education Planning

Gift your child a bright future

Education planning is an important part of financial planning for all families.

At BR Nancy, we want to make sure that your child's education is well taken care of. That's why we offer a range of education planning services to help you save systematically for your child's education, from kindergarten all the way to university.

Our team of experts will work with you to create a realistic plan that fits your budget and priorities.

Let us help you plan for your child's education so you can focus on what matters most - their future.

Contact us today to learn more about our education planning services.

Plan ahead and be prepared for the future

Are you on track to save up for your retirement? Determine your estimated TAP and SCP savings by your retirement age through the free Retirement Calculator provided by the Tabung Amanah Pekerja website, and find out whether you’re saving enough to maintain your lifestyle.

Retirement calculator

Book a free consultation

BR Nancy Consultation
Education Planning