Legacy Planning

Build enough wealth to provide for future generations

Our goal is to help you accumulate enough wealth to provide for your loved ones long after you're gone. Our legacy planning services utilize a range of strategies, including investing, estate management, and insurance, to ensure your impact lasts beyond your lifetime. With the support of our experienced fund managers at AIA, you can have peace of mind knowing that your wealth and investments are being managed with care and your wishes are being fulfilled.

We understand that each individual has unique circumstances and goals, which is why our financial planners will work closely with you to tailor a strategy that aligns with your needs and priorities. By understanding your risk profile and investment goals, we can help create a plan that maximizes the benefits for you and your loved ones.

Start building the future you deserve by booking a consultation with us today to explore our wealth accumulation options. Let us help you create a lasting legacy that reflects your values and provides for those you hold dearest.

Plan ahead and be prepared for the future

Are you on track to save up for your retirement? Determine your estimated TAP and SCP savings by your retirement age through the free Retirement Calculator provided by the Tabung Amanah Pekerja website, and find out whether you’re saving enough to maintain your lifestyle.

Retirement calculator

Book a free consultation

BR Nancy Consultation